Louis Armstrong International Airport - Concourse C

While the concourse had a constrained budget, it does not sacrifice quality in design or appear-ance. Other projects at the airport have used the Concourse u201cCu201d design as a benchmark.
Concourse u201cCu201d is the international concourse at Armstrong International Airport. Mr. Billesu2019 design firm was commissioned to design the concourse in-cluding connection with the existing terminal build-ing, 15 gates, a sterile corridor, airline operations areas, an FIS tunnel and integration of an arts pro-gram.
The project was separated into 4 phases to accommodate the relocation of the FIS Tower, and to keep the airlines operational during construction. Mr. Billes was the Principal-In-Charge for the project and guided its development from programming through construction.
The new design was primarily the work of Mr. Billes and his project designer. Mr. Billes fostered a strong collaboration with a team of artists to incorporate original artwork into the project, within the construction budget. While the concourse had a constrained budget, it does not sacrifice quality in design or appearance. Other projects at the airport have used the Concourse u201cCu201d design as a benchmark.